Urgent Prayer Request!

We ask you to take a moment to pray for Leo’s mother, Elsa.  Yesterday she wasn’t feeling well & in the middle of the night her blood pressure sky-rocketed.  She’s now in the public hospital in La Vega (next biggest city near Jarabacoa) & if tomorrow morning she doesn’t show improvement the family will take her to Santiago (the 2nd largest city in the DR).  She has had some different tests done, a CAT-Scan which came back fine, a sonogram which showed a lung infection, but still the source of her extremely high blood pressure, nausea, vomitting & tingling has not been determined nor is it at this current time completely under control yet.  Please pray for the Lord’s healing touch, wisdom & diligence on behalf of the physicians, financial provision for the family in all the tests, medicine & transportation costs, and peace for all!  May Abba Father be glorified!

Elizabeth is still Stateside (today has returned to Iowa after a great time of visiting friends, supporters & meeting new friends in Wisconsin & Minnesota).  Please continue to lift up the rest of this time in the States.  She’ll be speaking Sunday, March 13th in her home/sending church, First Baptist in Kiron at 10:30am, as well as Saturday, March 19th, 6pm at Iglesia Fuente de Vida & Sunday, March 20th, 10:30am at United Presbyterian Church (both in Denison).  If you are in the area, or would like to have some fellowship one-on-one, please give her a call at 712-263-8486 or 712-267-4246.

Thank you for your prayers!

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