Monthly Archives: September 2012

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10 Week Old Cardinal Fan Cutie!


Amelia’s taking growing seriously!… 2 month stats

Weight – 5 lbs 8.5 oz
Length – 48 cm (18.9 in)
Head Circ. – 33.5 cm (13.2 in)

1 Month:
Weight – 5 lbs 10 oz
Length – 51 cm (20.1 in)
Head Circ. – 34 cm (13.4 in)

2 Months:
Weight – 10 lbs!
Length – 56.5 cm (22.2 in)
Head Circ. – 37.5 cm (14.8 in)

YOU GROW GIRL!!!  Amelia had a great 2 month checkup yesterday.  Her doctor said if she wasn’t with us she wouldn’t have recognized our big girl 😉  We’re so thankful for the restored health of our little girl.  One of our highlights every day are her smiles & laughs, ever growing repertoire of cooing sounds & her new discoveries.  Thanks, praise & glory be to her Creator, the One who sustains life, our True & Faithful Lord!

2 Months Old!


Amelia’s Birth Photos


Rubba-dub-dub, 8-week old Amelia in the tub (& others)


7 weeks


Amelia’s Dedication (Sunday, August 19, 2012)
