Monthly Archives: March 2011

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Update on Leo’s Mother

Thank you for your prayers!  After a difficult night, Elsa is now stabilized & her blood pressure is back down within normal range, PRAISE THE LORD!!!  She’s still in the hospital, at least overnight tonight (Sunday).  There were numerous factors which were causing all of her complications, but nonetheless, God has been answering prayers and we are so thankful!

Urgent Prayer Request!

We ask you to take a moment to pray for Leo’s mother, Elsa.  Yesterday she wasn’t feeling well & in the middle of the night her blood pressure sky-rocketed.  She’s now in the public hospital in La Vega (next biggest city near Jarabacoa) & if tomorrow morning she doesn’t show improvement the family will take her to Santiago (the 2nd largest city in the DR).  She has had some different tests done, a CAT-Scan which came back fine, a sonogram which showed a lung infection, but still the source of her extremely high blood pressure, nausea, vomitting & tingling has not been determined nor is it at this current time completely under control yet.  Please pray for the Lord’s healing touch, wisdom & diligence on behalf of the physicians, financial provision for the family in all the tests, medicine & transportation costs, and peace for all!  May Abba Father be glorified!

Elizabeth is still Stateside (today has returned to Iowa after a great time of visiting friends, supporters & meeting new friends in Wisconsin & Minnesota).  Please continue to lift up the rest of this time in the States.  She’ll be speaking Sunday, March 13th in her home/sending church, First Baptist in Kiron at 10:30am, as well as Saturday, March 19th, 6pm at Iglesia Fuente de Vida & Sunday, March 20th, 10:30am at United Presbyterian Church (both in Denison).  If you are in the area, or would like to have some fellowship one-on-one, please give her a call at 712-263-8486 or 712-267-4246.

Thank you for your prayers!

Elizabeth on the Road

Currently back in Iowa… bundled up in layers of winter clothes.  Have had two full days of errands & name changing 🙂  Head tomorrow (3-5) to Wisonsin, Monday (3-7) – Friday (3-11) will be in Minnesota & Saturday (3-12) back in Iowa until March 23rd.  While on the road you can reach me by email or at 712-267-4246…  HOPE TO SEE YOU!!!