Monthly Archives: November 2009

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Celebrating 5 years of adventure with Jesus in the Dominican Republic

I remember who I was & where I was at 5 years ago when I picked up & moved to the Dominican Republic to work with Students International as Outreach Staff at the Art Site in Jarabacoa. A 23 year old who in the States felt like a 1-year commitment was too much for a job. One year out of college. Full of hope & expectation but never imagining what was to be my life in the five following years.

It’s been a time of hope & heartbreak. Disappointment & unexpected joys. New friends, new family in Christ & love. I knew that when God calls His children He has the best in mind. His plans for us are perfect… I just never would’ve imagined or dreamt something like this.

Within a short time of living in Jarabacoa I felt & started to pray accordingly, feeling like for the first time in my adult life like this was somewhere I wanted to place roots. Almost 3 exciting years serving with brothers & sisters from many parts of the world through Students International… Now more than 2 years of new challenges serving with the local church Fraternidad Cristiana Amor a Quisqueya. Health & sickness (scabies for Jesus ;-))… Resisting & then openning the door to Leo Escalante, who has proven to me his Godly character & passionate heart for God like no one else I’ve ever met. A year & a half of noviazgo (courtship) where every day, whether I’m well-behaved or not, being pursued as God pursues me by a man who’s earning my heart.

It has been God. His gentle, faithful kindness guiding me through my mistakes to follow His perfect plan. In so many ways I’m unsure of the future, but I choose to TRUST in WHO HE IS & continue to WALK IN FAITH, even when I can’t see. 

– Psalm 84:5

I gladly continue on this pilgrimage with You my Lord. You are my sun & my shield. I delight in You & trust my life, my hopes, my dreams in Your hand!