Monthly Archives: October 2005

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A glimpse from my heart

So life in the DR… amazing! The transition after summer, figuring out my personal role at the new art site after summer’s end, just in a place… dry & hungering & thirsting for Jesus anew, but that’s good, we need those times. Right now i feel like I’m in the middle of a waterfall of His blessings! The summer staff was a blessing to me that i didn’t realize how much i needed as i know i’ve said before, but towards the end of summer really just started praying for more friends. It’s been a huge blessing to be making some more real friendships, more than just “un saludo” in church or on the street to random people I may pass. Tara, another American who’s been here about a year & a half as a teacher at Doulos Discovery School (a Christian school here in Jarabacoa) & I have been teaching an English class at my house on Sunday mornings & as more & more people from church keep showing up, it’s been really fun just getting to know them. I’m doing “discipulado” the discipleship c lass as well at class & just have been hanging out every once and awhile with other young people from church. Life feels very full as I also agreed to teach an English class four hours each Saturday morning. It’s been fun, but my weekends feel more busy than the week almost right now, as well as with discipleship class, I’m reading a lot whenever I have time.

So, last weekend was just great! Sunday in church, the presence of the Lord was just incredible, if i went into detail of all i thought & prayed & saw in that time, this posting wouldn’t send because it’d be too big. A guest pastor (who he & his wife had shared at the men’s & women’s conference the night before) shared the message & God gave that man a word to speak to our church as a whole, a calling to the young people ages 12-18 specifically to serve the Lord, that God will use them to change this town, this country & the world. They went forward as the rest of us were praying & interceding, then everyone moved forward & into the aisles, worshipping the Lord, praying, singing… (these mere typed words don’t do what the Lord was doing in that place justice)! As signs of confirmation to that calling the Lord gave him profetic words to no one specific, but in that there was someone there who had a stomach problem that the Lord would heal within the week, someone with a broken relationship, etc., etc… more prayer, singing, worship, & then he had a specific word for a specific person. I with my eyes closed, listening, but focused on the Lord heard the dude say, “Senora” well, whatever, I’m a senorita not a senora, but someone touched my shoulder & I openned my eyes. He said to me, “I don’t know you right?” “No” “Do you speak English or Spanish?” “Both” “Which would you like me to tell you this in?” “Spanish”… “There is something you’ve been asking of the Lord for a long time. He’s heard your prayer and it’s on the way.” …That’s more or less the translation. Ay ay ay, tears of joy & gratitude poured from my eyes & I fell to my knees. They’re simple words that may not have much meaning to anyone else, like “yeah, that’s sweet,” but the Lover of my soul who rejoices over me also happens to be God of the universe & He took the time yet again to speak directly to my heart in a way that it doens’t matter if anyone else understands! I don’t kno w what God’s doing, or what He will do in any more specifics, nor have I doubted that He will be faithful to His promises of love to me, but it was a touch to my heart that has brought me back to awe & first love of my Savior.

I pray for each of you dear friends, that whether you’re in the wilderness or the waterfall of faith right now, that God may be blessing you with a peace & assurance that He’s right there with you & will be faithful to bless you with His best for you if you seek obedience to Him. To Him be the glory!