Monthly Archives: September 2004

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Missions Training International

Today I arrived for training in Palmer Lake, Colorado for the beginning of my three weeks of training at Missions Training International ( to go through the SPLICE program. The next three weeks I will be alongside other like-minded Christians in the three-week, pre-departure program to help develop the practical skills and attitudes to help us through the challenging and rewarding process of being interwoven with another culture. SPLICE focuses on skill & character development in the six vital areas of: Spiritual, Personal, Lifestyle, Interpersonal, Cultural, Endure/Enjoy.

Last week I was blessed to be able to spend time with friends and family in Minnesota. I’ll go more into depth of specific prayer requests as they arise on the prayer page, but I beseech you to pray that this will be a time of strong relationships and community and that I alongside the other missionaries in preparation here may be surrendered to our Savior & what HE wants to show and teach us in this time.


I can’t properly express the thankfulness I feel for the blessings I’ve experienced this last week! September 21-26 I was able to travel up to Minnesota to spend quality time with so many important people that God has & does use in my life. As I’ve been preparing to head to the DR, I feel very secure that where I’m going & what I’ll be doing is who, what, when, where, why, & how exactly in all the details, that it wasn’t until I was face to face with the “I love you. See you when I see you,” good-byes that the reality of the sacrifice in leaving hit me upside the head. I thank Jesus so much for the amazing blessings of friends & family that would even check this page to be able to know how to support me on their knees! I praise God for each of you & couldn’t go without your faithfulness in love & support of the work of the Kingdom!

I write this update right now from Missions Training International (MTI) in Palmer Lake, CO where I arrived today & will be until October 15 (visit the news page if you want more info of the program & what’s happening here). Praise Jesus for incredible fellowship experienced already with three other females my age. We just got back from a visit to Colorado Springs where we walked around “Old Historic Colorado City” & then headed into downtown Colorado Springs & parked at a coffee shop where we enjoyed some good Bubble Tea & sharing in learning one anothers’ stories. It never ceases to amaze me when I get to catch a glimpse of God at work in so many amazing & unique ways! We all have quite a few things in common as well which I anticipate continuing to be a blessing for us all in this time of preparation. One of these women and her husband are also heading to the DR. They will be working in a different area of the country with Haitian immigrants through a different organization. There is also another fairly young family who will be going on staff with SI in Jarabacoa, DR! I was able to connect with Brian & Sissy some today & met there two daughters & am very much praying that the Lord would knit us together in preparation for ministry together in the Dominican!

I ask you to pray for the MTI Staff as they lead all of us fresh missionary meat in preparation, each of us present through the SPLICE program- that we would really be able to enter into genuine community of learning, vulnerability, and spurring one another on as the Lord sends us out scattered to the nations,please also pray that the Entrekins & I may connect in a way that may strenghten our future ministry in the DR as well as even be something fresh & encouraging to the rest of the SI staff we will be joining (they will be making the move in January 2005 after I’m there for awhile). 

Jesus has claimed each of the lives and ministries represented in this place & time of preparation, may He have victory in each of the steps along the way as the evil one prowls about seeking to devour & destroy. May our eyes be fixed on Jesus, may He have His way on this earth, in our lives, as in Heaven, and may the name of the Lord be praised!