Author Archives: Elizabeth

Photos: January 2013


Photos: December 2012



Gracias por sus oraciones. Yajaira recibió la sangre que necesitaba. Lamentablemente, la bebe no pudo sobrevivir. Siguen orando por la paz y sanidad de Dios en esta familia en cuerpo y corazón.


Thank you for your prayers. Yajaira received the blood she needed. Sadly, the baby could not survive. Keep praying for the peace and healing of God in body and heart for this family.


Una hermana de la iglesia, Yajaira, la esposa de Rudy, dio a luz esta noche por cesárea de emergencia a los 7 meses de embarazo y necesita sangre tipo AB+, A+ o B+. La bebe, Rudielkis, pesa solamente una libra y tres cuartas y entre lo posible está estable, pero las primeras 48 horas son muy críticas.

Si estás en la República Dominicana y eres candidato a donar uno de esos tipos de sangre, por favor, comuníquese con nosotros. Si no, favor de orar por las vidas de esta madre y esta bebe! Gracias.

A sister from the church, Yajaira, Rudy’s wife, gave birth this evening by emergency c-section at only 7 months pregnant and needs blood type AB+, A+, or B+. The baby, Rudielkis, weighs only a pound and three fourths and is as stable as possible in these circumstances, but these first 48 hours are very critical.

If you are in the Dominican Republic and are a candidate to donate one of these types of blood, please contact us. If not, please pray for the lives of this mother and baby! Thank you.

New Mailing Address

2250 NW 114th Ave Unit 1 A
Miami, Florida

Latest Edition of Leo-Eli Newsletter

Timothy Project Newsletter (July-October 2012) – Noticias Proyecto Timoteo (Julio-Octubre 2012)

3 & 4 Month Stats

We have so many things to be thankful for as we reflect on this past year this Thanksgiving!  Amelia had her 4 month checkup last Thursday & is thriving!  As we didn’t get her 3 month stats posted, they are here as well.  She’s growing so fast & such a happy girl!  We’re planning to be in the Midwest December 15 – January 7 & would love to see as many people as possible… Amelia can’t wait to meet many of the dear people who have prayed for her!

3 Months:
13 lbs. – 75th percentile
59 cm. long (23.2 in.) – 50th percentile
Weight for Length – 75th percentile

4 Months:
14 lbs. 14 oz. – 75th percentile
63.5 cm. long (25 in.) – 75th percentile
Weight for Length – 75th percentile

4 Months!


Weeks 11-15
